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Toronto BLIA YAD participated in the Fo Guang Day Celebration Global Simultaneous Sutra Transcriptio

On May 9th Toronto BLIA YAD executive team participated in the heart sutra transcription event. The event started promptly at 8 pm EST and it is devoted to celebrating the 54th anniversary of the establishment of Fo Guang Shan (FGS).

Since the start of COVID-19 and self-quarantine, Toronto Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Youth Adult Division (YAD) has been hard at work trying to engage the YAD community through hosting weekly activities. Although resources are very limited, the Toronto YAD team aspired to host positively influential Buddhist events that engages with our local Buddhist youth community, and the development of stronger bonds with the other North American subdivisions.

In terms of the Heart Sutra transcription event, everybody joined as a video conference call on time for this very important event. The amount of dedication and aspiration that all of the members who joined in the transcription showed during the 30-minute meeting was really inspiring. The future of Buddhism is in our youth, and this dedication really shows the sparkling promise of Buddhism towards the future.

As we push towards this uncertain future due to COVID-19, Toronto YAD will be fully engaged in continuously providing activities through the use of online technology and resources. Focus on bringing positive Buddhist teaching to our community through the clever use of discussion groups and other fun activities.

Toronto BLIA YAD wish everybody a happy Fo Guang Day, and hope that you find joy and happiness during the Heart Sutra global transcription! Also, we wish everybody remain safe and healthy during this unprecedented time, and we will be thinking and praying for everyone.

Auspicious Blessings to all! Joining Palms.

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